Monday, November 03, 2008


At work today, Peter came out to play. I think this is Peter v3.o The
original must certainly be dead. He was out to play long enough for me
to take a picture of him hunting the mouse pointer, then, to email it
to my computer and take a picture of him hunting the mouse pointer on
top of a picture of him hunting the mouse pointer. And then he stayed
out another 30 minutes to an hour, stalking the mouse pointer.

<img src=""
alt="Image Hosted by"/><br/>Shot with <a target="_new"
S5K5AAFA 1.3 MP</a> at 2008-11-03

1 comment:

  1. Saw the last bit of Charlotte's Web on cable yesterday and I wondered how you felt when you see that sweet hairy Charlotte and her lovely offsprings. They are strangely cute for me.


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