Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Waiting is so hard, my MX 1000 is on the way. Free shipping is so nice. I'm certain I passed my test over reading Huck Finn at school this morning, but I forgot to take a test for intro to computers online last night, so I'll have to request a chance to take that test again and have some points taken off.

Need to get up early tomorrow to take in a sample for work.

Went to watch a commedy night for chuck at a bar across town with George and Joe last night. It was pretty fun. I went out of my mind and for some reason decided that I wanted to try going onstage and try my hand at five minutes of stand-up. I didn't get so much as a chuckle from anyone. Before I went up, my heart was beating so fast I felt it was trying to jump out. Anyway, I'm never going to do that again.

Installed outcast at work, which I've had lying around my house for an eternity. It's actually rather funny, when you consider that it crashed my computer upwards of 10 times this morning and last night, maybe more, even in scary ways. But at work, it has run flawlessly without even being patched. It's actually pretty fun, and I can't wait to find out what comes next in the games story line, because it actually does a good job of putting together an environment.

Anywho... I've been sleeping on the couch all evening and only just woke up, and I'm so tired I'm just going to go to bed after this. Nite nite.

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